Ann M. Wolfe (Ed.): Anne Brigman: A Visionary in Modern Photography (Rizzoli Electa, 2020)

This main volume of a previously published slipcased edition is the catalogue of the major retrospective exhibition that took place in 2018 at the Nevada Museum of Art, and remains the first comprehensive book to chronicle the photography of Anne W. Brigman (1869-1950), one of the most important of all American women photographers.

Photographer, poet, critic, and mountaineer, Brigman is best known for her iconic landscape photographs made in the early 1900s depicting herself and other female nudes outdoors in the Sierra Nevada.



This video revisits Brigman’s 2018 retrospective exhibition at the Nevada Museum of Art through photographs and poetry. Ann M. Wolfe, Senior Curator and Deputy Director for the Museum narrates the short documentary.

Raised in a prominent late-nineteenth-century Hawaiian missionary family, there is no doubt that Brigman’s nude portraits of herself and other women, taken outdoors in the California landscape in the early 1900s, challenged the customs of her Victorian upbringing and broke the rules of propriety for her time.

Brigman’s significance spanned both coasts of the United States. In Northern California, where she lived and worked, she was a leading Pictorialist photographer, proponent of the Arts & Crafts movement, and a participant in the burgeoning Berkeley/Oakland Bohemian community. On the East Coast, her work was promoted by Alfred Stieglitz, who elected her to the prestigious Photo-Secession and championed her as a Modern photographer.

Publisher’s Info

Publisher: Rizzoli Electa

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